Cheat cards sit in a special Stack of their own.
Only Boudicca has access to them, but they are not part of her Deck.
At any point during Boudicca's turn, she may Play any number of cards from the Cheat Stack.
This does not cost her any Actions.
When she plays a Cheat, it goes face-up above her board just like a Support or Item.
Cheats are immune to all effects.
They cannot be Banished, destroyed, Negated, Deactivated, or removed from the Field.
To Play a Cheat, Boudicca must Banish the Cheat's "cost," pictured along its upper right side.
For example, a Cheat that pictures 2 Combat Icons on its right side requires Boudicca to Banish 2 Combat cards to Play.
When Boudicca Banishes cards to Play Cheats, she may Banish those cards from her Hand, Discard Pile, or 1 from each.
While this Cheat is on the Field under your control, you may, once during your turn(s), pay (lose) 4 Hit Points to Destroy 1 card on the Field.
This makes for an excellent source of removal.
You must Banish 2 Knowledge cards (from your Hand, Discard Pile, or 1 from each) to Play this card from the Cheat Stack.
Only Boudicca may Play this card.
Because it's a Cheat card, it cannot be Banished, destroyed, Negated, Deactivated, or removed from the Field.
While this Cheat is on the Field under your control, you may, once during your turn(s), after Drawing a card, Discard that card and Draw another.
This is a great way to dig into your deck for combo pieces & cards you want to Banish to Play more Cheats.
You must Banish 2 Influence cards (from your Hand, Discard Pile, or 1 from each) to Play this card from the Cheat Stack.
Only Boudicca may Play this card.
Because it's a Cheat card, it cannot be Banished, destroyed, Negated, Deactivated, or removed from the Field.
You cannot Draw a card, THEN put Inside Dealer into Play, & THEN use its effect to Discard the card your just Drew to Draw another.
You would need to have Inside Dealer already on the Field under your control before you Drew that card.
(Art work coming soon)
While this Cheat is on the Field under your control, you may, once during your turn(s), add or subtract 1 from any dice roll.
You must Banish 2 Combat cards (from your Hand, Discard Pile, or 1 from each) to Play this card from the Cheat Stack.
Only Boudicca may Play this card.
Because it's a Cheat card, it cannot be Banished, destroyed, Negated, Deactivated, or removed from the Field.
You cannot roll a die, THEN put Loaded Dice into Play, & THEN use its effect to alter the result of the die you just rolled.
You would need to have Loaded Dice already on the Field under your control before you rolled that die.
(Art work coming soon)
While this Cheat is on the Field under your control, you may, once during your turn(s), Play an Item or Support without spending an Action.
You must Banish 2 Combat cards (from your Hand, Discard Pile, or 1 from each) to Play this card from the Cheat Stack.
Only Boudicca may Play this card.
Because it's a Cheat card, it cannot be Banished, destroyed, Negated, Deactivated, or removed from the Field.
(Art work coming soon)
While this Cheat is on the Field under your control, then up to once during each of your turns, after you Play a Combat card (& its effects resolve & it goes to its Discard Pile), you'll gain an Action.
Boudicca's Deck requires a bit of dice-throwing.
Consequently, her Combat cards can often leave her with no effect at all, wasting her valuable Actions.
Reflective Surfaces offers her a chance to get back those Actions, & when her Combat cards DO pay off . . . well, that's pretty sweet!
Under such circumstance, she basically got the Combat card's effects for zero Actions.
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